Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Origin of Maa Durga :-

according to Hindu mythology, the Goddess Durga's miraculous arrival was the tyranny of a demon named Mahisasura.
Mahisasura's father Rambha was the king of Asuras, once fell in love of water buffalo and Mahisasur was born out of this union. He therefore was able to change between human and buffalo form at will ("Mahisa" means buffalo). Despite being a demon (the word "asura" means "Not-Good" and does not have a strong a negative connotation as "Demon"), Mahisasura was also pious in meditation. He earned the invisible strength and favour of Lord Shiva after a hard penance and terrific austerities.  Lord Shiva, impressed with his devotion, blessed him that no man or deity would be able to kill him and that only a woman can kill him. Mahisasura was very pleased with the boon as he thought that he can never be defeated by a woman. arrogant Mahisasura started his reign of terror over the Universe and killing people mercilessly. He even attacked the Abode of the Gods and conquered the heaven and desired to become their leader.

The Birth of Maa Durga :-

The Gods were afraid from the Terror of this wild, destructive water-buffalo bull because most of them were defeated and humiliated by him (Mahisasura). The Gods took refuge under Lord Brahma, who took them to Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu. The solution was derived by an idea of creation of a woman who possesses the Ultimate Power to fight and vanquish Mahisasur.
At a single point, the devine energy of all the fires coalesced and became Shiva, in the form of a beautiful, magnificient young woman with ten hands. her face was from the light of Shiva. Her ten arms were from Lord Vishnu. Her legs were from Lord Brahma. Her tresses were formed from the light of Yama, the God of Death, the two breasts were made from the light of Somanath, the Moon God. The waist from the light of Indra, the King of Gods. The Legs and thighs were from the light of Varun, the God of Seas; hips from the lights of Bhoodev, the God of Earth; the toes from the light of Surya, the Sun God; fingers of the hand from the light of Vasus, the children of Goddess River Ganga; and nose from the light of Kuber, the Keeper of Wealth for the Gods. The teeth were formed from the light of Prajapati, the God of Creatures. the triad of the eyes was born from the light of Agni, The God of Fire. The eyebrows from two Sandhyas-that is sunrise and sunset. The ears from the light of Vayu, the God of wind. Thus from the energy of these Gods,  Goddess Durga was formed.

The Gods then gave to her their divine gifts; Pinakadrhrik gave her Trishul, Krishna gave her Sudarshan Chakra, Varuna the Goddess of sea gave her the Shankh, The God of Fire gave her the Missile., from Wind God Vayu, she received Bow and Arrows. The King of Gods gave her a Vajra, and also Bell as the symbolic epresentation of his white-skinned elephant, Airavata. From the God of death Yama- Durga received an Iron Rod and from the Ruler of waters she was given a Noose.
Durga received many other precious and mystical treasures - gift of jewels, new clothing and garland of immortal Lotuses. Heaven's architect gave her a Bright Axe and Kavach. God of Mountains Himalaya gave her Jewels and a magnificient Lion to ride into battle. Equipped with the fearsome weaponry of the Gods and dreassed in Golden armors and jewels she set off, seated gracefully upon the Lion. His thunderous roars shook the entire Universe. the balance of the crumbled, cracked and gave way to dust. Warter from the Oceans rippling in waves through all the 3 worlds. Mahisasura and his demon allies found their attention drawn from Heaven to Earth. Though Confident of their power and control in Heaven, even the conquering Demon host could not help being awestruck.

to be continued.......

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